Monday, July 23, 2007

What is "Oozerdoxie?"

I think an attempt to define what exactly we are doing here is in order. Maybe not so much for the reader, but for us! I solicit input from the other Doxies and Oozers in general.

This is a work in progress. We are an eclectic collection of Orthodox Christians, whose other connection.....and how we know each that we all post on an "Emergent Christian" website called What is "Emergent?" Well I point you to the Ooze's main page to help you figure that one out. But possibly, none of us would consider ourselves to be "Emergent"...I know I do not. I am very firmly placed within the Holy Orthodox Church.

So what is the appeal of "the ooze?" Perhaps in my case, it was somewhat evangelical. I was (am) a newbie Orthodox, and was excited to see people asking the same questions that had propelled me in MY spiritual journey. Some of my fellow Doxies are Orthodox partly because of things they had read on The Ooze. Two posters here met each other on The Ooze and are now married!

But I think what we really enjoy about The Ooze, is the community. Oozers don't all think alike and quite frankly, there are often some heated discussions. But there is a lot of respect and love that flows around there and we really enjoy being a part of the community.

But as a "subset" of the ooze, we were encouraged to start this blog. So here ya go. We will never be as cool as the "Conservative Reformed Mafia," but maybe we have something to offer.

So, what do you think?


otsukafan said...

I'm in.

Elizabeth said...

y'all a re just as cool as the conservative reformed mafia!!

seriously - i am very much hooked.

Jeff Wright said...

"y'all a re just as cool as the conservative reformed mafia!!"

Yeah, I guess so. :) Good job on the new blog. I look forward to checking in from time to time.

Acolyte4236 said...

You might enjoy our blog.

'Seph Sayers said...

I'm onboard (in as much as I can be of use) too. :)