Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Emergent Liturgy

The new "Liturgical Service," as they call it, has become the most popular service even among young people. After the "standard" evangelical service at 9:30 a.m., workers decorate the platform with candles, non-specific iconography and other religious-looking items. Fitzgerald wears generic vestments and adopts a more somber manner. He reads from a liturgical book and the congregation responds by reading words on the screens.

"I like the reverence and the mood," says one girl, 16. "It feels more spiritual."

"I like the candles," her friend chimes in.

The effort seems to be working to keep church members from straying elsewhere. In St. Paul, Minn., Family Life Center recently created a liturgical service and says some families have opted to stay rather than try out other churches. Jessica Onstead, 38, was dissatisfied enough last year with the "fluffiness" of evangelical church services that she visited an Orthodox service and liked parts of it. But she was uncomfortable with the "kissing of strangers, genuflecting and standing for an hour during the sermon."

She ended up back at her non-denominational church which had by then added an Orthodox-style service. She now attends ...

Read it ALL.

And a reaction.

Hat Tip to Orthodixie


Anonymous said...

Ok thank God that was a fictional satire article.... But unfortately it does actually relate some of the shallow way of thinking I've heard on the topic (where worship is considered just style and packaging)


Anonymous said...

By the way, as I learned a few years ago, don't take anything from "Lark News" seriously! It's all satire, unfortately it is completely realistic fiction that is often, very, very rooted in actual fact.


Anonymous said...

LOL I knew it was satire. I posted it "satircally!" ;-)

Gina said...

I was fooled at first. :) I think it's funny because it IS rooted in some fact.

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